How can I offer a Promo code for my books?
We're always interested in promoting books with Promo code or cashback. Please send an email to or our Facebook page to get a promo code for your books. Please mention the code, discount amount, validity, applicable books etc in the message.Our promo code has few interesting features:
- It can be applied to all of your books or all books in specific genre or all books under a specific author or a specific book.
- You can decide how many times one user can redeem the code.
- You can decide overall how many times this code can be redeemed. You can arrange a competition or provide courtesy copy to friends using this feature.
- You can decide a start date and an end date.
- It can be a cashback offer also.
- You can provide a picture with it.
- Discount amount can be a percentage or a flat amount.